You can found your company with us fast and 100% for free!
You are planning to found an individual company, GmbH or AG? With us, you do that completely for free*! Also, you can benefit from exclusive partner offers and cheap additional services. Send us your request now and we will get back to your right away!
* Prerequesite for a free foundation: Your company address will be domiciled in our incorporation hub in Baar ZG (minimum duration: 12 months, costs per month: starting at 69 CHF). If you do not book the domicile with us, the costs for a foundation will be CHF 590,-.
Our partners
Why found for free?
Individual Consultation
You will received a befitted offer from us with our personal consulation. We are multilingual and available every day.
Extensive Experiences
Wir haben schon über 1000 Gründungen für unsere Kunden durchgeführt. Wir sind DER Ansprechpartner wenn es um Gründungen geht.
In-House Experts
You will be advised by absolute experts, including lawyers, trustees and tax experts.
24/7 Support
We will work on your request immediately. You can also reach us via our hotline all day long in case you have any questions.
Strong partners
With us, you will found you company for free and you will benefit from our partners' top-offers.
With us, you will receive everything first hand. After foundation, we will continue to provide you with all services that your company needs.
Contact us
Helvetic Circle AG
Blegistrasse 11a
CH – 6340 Baar
© 2024 All rights reserved
by Helvetic Circle
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